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Such a Sweet Gift

Both of my girls are creative, and enjoy making things.

They have been this way as long as I can remember.  When they were much younger, we had a large "craft shelf" filled with baskets that held all kinds of craft supplies.  We didn't have cable television, and only watched movies on the weekends, so much of their play-time was spent creating and making things.

Over the years, I have watched them make countless handmade gifts for friends and family.

One of the sweetest gifts, is something my youngest girl made for her little brother when he was born.

Just look at this little guy!  Is he not the cutest thing?

She did such a great job!

She followed the instructions from this book...  a gift she received for Christmas the year before.

There are many cute little characters to choose from in this book, as well as little clothes and accessories for them.  Everything is darling.

She was just thirteen at the time.

Here we all are... only a couple hours before the little guy's arrival.

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The youngest two,  just nine months later.

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And here they are now.

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