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Charlie Brown Pot Pie

It seems I have had quite a few "Charlie Brown" days lately.

You know the kind.

You're running with great gusto, like this is going to be the time you kick that football!

You run with all your might... you thrust that foot forward... and...


The ball is snatched away.  Again.

You're flat on your back.

Disappointed.  Frustrated.  Hurt.

But when you're flat on your back,  guess what?  You've gotta look UP.

A little bruised, a little sore, and doubting that you may never try that again, but you are indeed looking in the right direction.

It's a tough process for me.

Resisting the urge to be bitter, and embracing the experience to make me better.

That can be a pritty-tall-order, no?

Which brings me to this...

I heard a radio program the other day, and they were talking about this book:

As they interviewed the author, he told a few of the "miracle" stories.


Talk about boosting your faith.  Hearing these real-life stories will encourage your socks right off!

Later that day, as I tried to make sense of the many hurtful events swirling around my mind,  I thought, "If God can work miracles like that, then certainly He could work a miracle in me... in my heart."  And that's exactly what I have been praying for.

Do you feel like you need a miracle in your life?  In your heart?

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.  -2Corinthians4:17-18

There is something I admire about Charlie Brown.  He doesn't hold a grudge.

And just think... when he grows up, and starts teaching Sunday School, he will be loaded with all kinds of life-application stories.

So if you are having a "Charlie Brown" kind of day,  I highly recommend making a chicken pot pie for you and one of your favorite girls.   Then after you do the dishes and put the baby to bed, read this hilarious post from The Flower Patch Farm Girl while running yourself a bubble bath.   Grab some left over Valentine candy and a good book and call it a day.