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The Shed Sale... it was grand!

The weather was wonderful... the friends were fabulous and the day was simply delightful!

Thanks to all of you who came and shared in all the fun!

I wish I would have taken more photos of you ladies shopping and having a good time.  It makes me smile just thinking about it.

We did manage to snap this photo of my friend, Carolyn.  The fun shifted into high gear once she arrived.

Thanks for all of your help, Holly!  I wish I would have snapped a photo of you in that cute grain sack apron!

It was nice having my girls home for the weekend... they handled the "check out" table.

And my mom was such a big help.  She washed a ton of dishes for me... thanks, mom!

You can also find my vintage goods at Hermann's Antique Mall on Alamo Street in Downtown Brenham.

Here's a peek.