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As of Late...

I have been sick.

Sick, sick, sick.

For three weeks now, and it's getting old.  I think I may be on the up-swing, but I have thought that before.  Time will tell.

There are a ton of things on my "to do" list that I have not gotten to because... well... I just don't feel good.

One thing I did do this week, was move into a new (and MUCH larger) booth space at Hermann's Antique Mall.  I added several sweet things that would make great Valentine gifts.

These large handmade hearts are lovely.

I also have a small selection of vintage "sweetheart" bracelets.  These are bracelets from the WWII era, and were given to a loved one or "sweetheart" from a serviceman when he was going off to war.  These bracelets are unique, and would be such a special gift for your Valentine.

Happy weekend!

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